…update from the academic trenches, that is. We’re in full finals swing here in Cottbus, but fortunately there was a break last week. I had a surprise visitor * come to Germany alllll the way from NYC!
* Not really a total surprise, since adulthood means checking things like travel dates, and work schedules, and classes, and other Real Life responsibilities. I guess.
James and I adventured around the area, spending a few days in the cosmopolitan capital of Berlin and another couple days in the not…quite…so cosmopolitan center of Cottbus. Some highlights from the trip:
- Many delicious meals, heavily featuring German’s famous pastries
- Adventures in cooking Indian food, including trying the ol’ “eh, why not try baking these chapatis directly on the electric burner?” method
- Subsequently discovering that my apartment apparently does not have a smoke detector
- Attending a bonfire and learning that Germans also have a tradition of roasting hotdogs over campfire. Except they don’t have the actual hotdogs. …it was grilled bread on a stick, is what I’m saying.
- Cottbus’s premier cultural event of the season, an art exhibit held in a nearby apartment building. Featuring paintings, drawings, and more artsy types than you can shake a stick at. (Not that I shook any sticks. I will deny that any stick shaking took place.)
- An Italian magician approaching us on the sidewalk, knowing us by name, performing a magic trick, then fading back into the night. …wait, what?
- Sunday brunch and a museum day in Berlin, including good food, golems, gorgeous architecture, and other (less alliterative) things
And a few pics, in no particular order:
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